Life is just a game/art at Vermont farm

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Tale of Discources by Rebecca Raby Talking point #4 Argument

In a Tale of Discources by Rebecca Raby,she describes discourses as that which organizes what we know, speak and interpret in the world around us. These eventually claim the status as truths in our culture  Raby breaks adolescent discources into 4 categories and uses the method of interviewing grandmothers and their teens to view how society and these relatives see these girls and how these girls see themselves inside each discource.
"The Storm" describes experimentation and uncertainty and Raby says that parents may project their own discomfort about adolescence (their own?) onto their teenagers.This is listed as an opportunity to manage their growth.
"At Risk" can include any behavior and may be used to justify control by parents.
"Social Problems" states that adolescence are, by nature, risk takers, but today it is happening in a much more dangerous environment, according to those grandparents interviewed and society at large.
"Pleasureable Consumption" Consumerism and adolscence become equated.Teenage years, are depicted in the media, as the idealized age.
I think the jest of this article is the contradictions presented when adolescent grandmothers were interviewed and asked their impression of these discources . Are they cultural truths? Do all teens act and react in this manor? The problem being that societal expectations places teens in the venue to explore and identify the adults they are to become. The problem is that the teens development is to be organized along parent expectations. A sort of: "look, see, hear but don't touch."
Raby found that the girls were frustrated by the message. They are there to challenge the status quo but that challenge is neutralized by social standards. Raby's main point in this article was that adolscents are confused by the parent expectations that they grow and mature but block experiences that may help them achieve this.
These is a fine line between too much and too little, and parents get no instruction book at the baby store. One depends on parenting skills learned and found. I did not like the way Raby used "supposed" so much in this piece. I find it full of expectations that are not fair when evaluating your subject..

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